fdsahf kjdsahkf jdshak fjhdsk ajfhdks ajhk dsalhkfjh dsakjfh kdsa


My child has become rude, snarling – what should I do?
What is the reason that the childs behavior has changed – the reason is in me?
I dont like the company of a child – they smoke, drink, swear – what to do?
I can t talk to my child about sex education – how do I do that?


You will understand the reasons that change your childs behavior.
You will learn to recognize and respond to surges of the endocrine system of children.
You will learn the causes of addictions and how to resist them.
You will learn how to properly explain the issues of sex education to your child.





Murafa Svetlana

Candidate of Psychology, teacher, associate professor
Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPSU) Department of Psychological Anthropology.

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