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Are you interested in the latest developments in pedagogy?
Do you want to understand how your childs brain grows and develops?
Are you looking for keys to your childs consciousness, how not to do harm?
Are you looking for ways to stimulate a childs desire for self-development?
Do you broadcast your childhood traumas to your child?


You will learn a lot about consciousness and the brain.
You will understand the principles and patterns of thinking development.
You will learn to understand the principles of the development of the child s thinking.
You will know how to avoid destructive influences on childrens thinking.
You will learn how to reformat your installations stretching from childhood.





Andrey Tsvetkov

Russian neuropsychologist, doctor of psychological sciences.
Specialization: personality psychology, developmental psychology, neuropedagogy, neuropsychological diagnostics, correction and rehabilitation of children and adults.
He has published over 200 scientific papers, 18 of which are monographs and textbooks.

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